Hard vs Soft Meshes: Pros and Cons

Hard vs Soft Meshes

Which lacrosse head net will you select now that the time has come? Hard vs Soft Meshes Questions like these can help you learn how to construct your own bat when you first fall in love with lacrosse and get your first lacrosse stick. If you didn’t aware, you can also completely personalize your lacrosse cue.

Hard vs Soft Meshes

Grid Basics

When it comes to your lacrosse network, you need to understand two things: the types and how to tie it together. Chaining is a talent that you can develop over time, but understanding what kind of mesh to purchase comes first.

Mesh comes in three different varieties: hard, soft, and hard. Hard mesh and soft mesh are the two most popular varieties. It will be difficult if you are a novice to select a hard mesh because it is better suited for intermediate or advanced players. Practice with the firm or soft mesh first, then go on to the Dural mesh.

You won’t be able to identify which mesh is better for your game if you force one throughout training. Before advancing to more complex grids, you also have a lot to learn from simpler grids.

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Hard vs soft meshes: what’s the difference?

Soft mesh

Which grid is most suitable for new users? Although there are differing views on this, using a soft net will allow you to concentrate on batting practise and “feel” where the ball is in the pocket.

The soft mesh is constructed of nylon that has been woven together to resemble a mesh. Although the holes are rather large, the ball cannot fall through them. You can tell the nylon being used is not hard since it is called “soft mesh.” On the contrary, it is flexible and soft. This is the simplest net you can connect to your frame if you dislike strings.

The soft mesh is not very sturdy, which is another issue to be aware of. Although it is soft enough for you to feel the ball in your pocket, the drawback is that it won’t hold up in a rainstorm. In fact, if it’s raining outside, you shouldn’t use it. Your game will be ruined by the pocket merely filling with water. Additionally, if you use it too frequently, there is a potential that it will crack quickly.

The soft netting aren’t all that horrible, either, especially if you want to feel the ball in your pocket. Additionally, it is excellent for honing kicks and pocket catches.

Rigid mesh

Does this imply that the hard mesh is not appropriate for beginners if the soft mesh is? No, actually. The challenging grid is excellent for beginners as well, especially if you want to gain knowledge from it. And for certain athletes and coaches, this is the best course of action.

Although it uses a tougher variant of the material to produce a mesh that is harder but not necessarily thicker, rigid mesh is also composed of nylon. Of course, a stronger, longer-lasting rope is produced by a stiffer mesh. There is no need to bother about periodically replacing the strings. The strong mesh is also water-resistant.

So why is it superior? It is more difficult to “feel” the ball as you run since the mesh is stiffer. Others, on the other hand, view holding the ball as practise. How? You’ll need to handle the ball more carefully if the net is tight, especially if it’s difficult to tell if it’s there.

Lacrosse stick

Pros & cons

What ought you to buy? Is the mesh firm because it is more effective at teaching you how to swing, or soft because it is more comfortable for beginners? Because it all boils down to preference, there are no right or wrong solutions in this situation. Here is a list of the benefits and drawbacks of each type of mesh, to assist you in making your choice.

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Rigid grid: pros and cons


The ball is in one place.

Do you struggle to keep the ball in the pocket despite your best efforts to control the swing? A rigid grid is helpful in this situation. Strong and robust, the sturdy net holds the ball firmly in place. It will allow you to run more freely than with a soft mesh, yet there is no guarantee that it won’t fall.

It is more durable.

A thicker, stronger mesh will obviously last longer than a narrower one for obvious reasons. A hard mesh is an excellent option for you if you don’t want to spend a lot of money replacing a broken soft mesh. Even though it may cost a little more, you won’t need to purchase a new set every few weeks.

Can be played in the rain.

Do you know what stiff mesh’s greatest benefit is? Lacrosse may be played in the rain. When carrying the ball, you don’t have to be concerned about stretching or weight because you are strong enough to resist water. If you truly love lacrosse and don’t want the rain to drag you around, you need that.

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Hard to pull.

The inability to be stretched is one of the drawbacks of stiff mesh. Four thick nylon threads must be tied and knotted in order to secure the mesh. This will be a hassle for the majority of individuals because it takes too long.

When you stroke the ball, you hardly feel anything.

Another disadvantage of a hard net is that it is difficult to feel the ball when you are holding it. The heaviness of the mash prevents the bat from being “sensitive” to the movement of the ball in the pocket. Being able to swing the ball without feeling it is wonderful practice for certain players, but it might be challenging for others.

Long softening time.

Similar to the boots, it takes longer to soften mesh that is thicker and more rigid. This implies that in order to acquire its optimal size, depth, and “softness,” you must constantly utilise it. I see gentleness. Does this imply that after a few applications, the mesh will soften? Both yes and no. If you swing the ball too much, it won’t go too soft but it will become a little softer. It won’t get as soft as the soft mesh, though.

Soft mesh:

lacrosse stick types
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Pros and cons

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When you swing, you may readily feel the ball.

What typically annoys beginners is not knowing whether the ball came out of their pocket and fell. It will be simpler to determine whether a ball is in the net if you use a soft net. By doing this, Upon becoming aware of his presence, you will be able to adjust your course of action and plan to keep him there.

Easy to tie.

Are you against ropes? Then you should purchase a soft mesh. The process of fastening it to the frame doesn’t take a lot of time. Additionally, it is typically simpler to put together than when utilizing a rigid mesh. You can begin here if you haven’t mastered the technique for tying a lacrosse net.

You don’t need to rip the mesh.

You don’t need to break the soft mesh because it can easily fit into your game. This indicates that you can start playing lacrosse on the field as soon as you put it on. Thrilled to play? So, the kind of mesh you require is this.


The ball enters the pocket.

Even if you can immediately feel the ball in the pocket, it can still slide out, which is a drawback. This is due to the mesh’s inability to stop you from moving while running. Consider a ball that isn’t “held” by a soft net and is moving around in a pocket. In essence, The ball will still fall readily whether or not you can feel it in the pocket.

It is easily loosened and damaged.

The ease with which soft mesh breaks is another drawback. Although it isn’t very delicate, it isn’t robust enough to last for weeks, especially in the rain. As a result, It will need to be changed more frequently than a hard mesh would.


Both soft and firm mesh have advantages and disadvantages. The best option if you require a stronger mesh is a stiff mesh. However, if you prefer a net where you can readily feel the ball while swinging, a soft net is great.

We hope this article on Hard vs Soft Meshes helped you in choosing the right mesh for you, see also 5 Lacrosse exercises to improve your skills!

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