What is the weight of a lacrosse ball?

The weight of a lacrosse ball

Do you want to know what is the weight of a lacrosse ball? Do you have to adhere to particular requirements in order to play on a professional team? Around the world, there are numerous varieties of lacrosse, and every nation has its own set of regulations.

The NCAA, NFHS, and American lacrosse are responsible for setting weight requirements for lacrosse balls in the US.

The weight of a lacrosse ball

What are the new specifications?

The NCAA published a new set of lacrosse ball requirements in 2016. They made it clear in their document that “The ball should have the following measurements: White, yellow, or orange hard rubber is required for the ball.

The ball’s circumference can range from 7 3/4 to 8 inches. A ball can weigh between 5 and 5 1/2 ounces, and when it hits a concrete floor at a height of 72 inches, it must bounce back to a height of between 43 and 51 inches at 65 degrees Fahrenheit.” What do these changes signify to you, though? That’s a lot.

For obvious reasons, you should be aware of these requirements if you play in the NCAA. If you break any of these regulations, your team will be suspended or you won’t be allowed to play for the day.

It takes time to show up, and being highlighted by authorities for such a minor error is embarrassing.

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The weight of a lacrosse ball: Differences from old specifications

How do the new guidelines differ from the previous regulations? Here is a brief comparison between the new guidelines with the previous NCAA requirements.

The weight

To give you an idea, the previous NCAA requirements called for the ball to weigh between 140 and 147 grams, which is a bit less than a brand-new lacrosse ball (a new ball should weigh at least 141 ounces).

It won’t make much of a difference, though, as it’s only a tiny bit different. When you’re playing, you hardly ever will feel that way.


According to the previous regulations, a lacrosse ball’s diameter should be 62.7 mm. 15.51 inches or 393.96 mm is the circumference. As you are already aware, a new lacrosse ball should only have a circumference of 7 3/4 inches, which is practically half its old ball’s specifications.

It makes sense, but because a smaller ball has more room to move around in its pocket, it is actually harder to swing one.


A lacrosse ball needs to be thrown from a particular height in order to be tested for rebound. The former NCAA regulations stated that a ball must bounce to a height of 1.092–1292 mm after being hurled from 1800 mm (or 71 inches) in height. In other words, the rebound’s height should range from 43 to 51 inches.

What are the new regulations? Thankfully, they are identical save from the requirement that the ball be hurled from a height of 72 inches.

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What material should a new lacrosse ball be made of? Hard rubber has yet to be used, as required by the previous regulations. Naturally, any lacrosse ball should be mostly made of rubber. And all lacrosse associations that are under American administration recognize this.


Does the appearance of a lacrosse ball matter? Players usually ask this topic because there are so many various colours that may be utilised on a lacrosse ball. But if you’re playing the formal game, you should use a white lacrosse ball.

Use any color if this is not an official game.

lacrosse ball weight

The weight of a lacrosse ball: Does the weight of a lacrosse ball matter?

Lacrosse’s objective is to put the ball in the net unimpeded, just like the majority of other sports. But to do that, a lacrosse stick must be used, and the ball must stay in the pocket.

If your ball is too light, what happens? It can therefore jump with ease and is more difficult to control. Yes, it’s easier to carry, but it doesn’t automatically make the game simpler.

In fact,

Because it’s simpler to “feel” when it’s in your pocket and you’re swinging, trying to toss it or protect it, some individuals prefer a heavier lacrosse ball.

So, in answer to your question, weight does important. Sometimes a lacrosse game’s weight can make the difference between a win and a loss.

You should use a ball that complies with NCAA requirements, which we strongly advise. You’ll get more fit and make fewer mistakes as a result. This is a fantastic drill for you and your group!

NOCSAE Standard

Did you know that all lacrosse balls need to bear the designation “NOCSAE Compliant” as of 2014? Describe NOCSAE.

The National Working Committee for Sports Equipment Standards is known as NOCSAE. It is an independent, nonprofit organization that conducts studies on sports safety and establishes benchmarks for sporting goods.

As of 2014, US Lacrosse, the NFHS, and the NCAA demand that all lacrosse balls be NOCSAE-approved. All lacrosse balls must be tagged with the phrase “NOCSAE Compliant” to demonstrate compliance with these requirements.

Lacrosse balls without this marking are prohibited from use in all official contests.

Consequences of non-compliance

What happens if your lacrosse ball’s weight deviates from the norm? Sanctions are not a concern if you are only playing for enjoyment.

You haven’t yet entered the actual game. However, having an official lacrosse ball will aid in your practice as you can become accustomed to its weight, composition, and rebound. This is a terrific way to get everyone ready if you’re playing on a team.

What happens if you play the official game? Unfortunately, you cannot use this ball if you are playing competitively and it does not meet the required weight. Teams occasionally are unable to compete, particularly if they lack an official ball.

We hope this article on the weight of a lacrosse ball helped you about lacrosse ball, also check 10 Amazing reasons to play lacrosse

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