How To Hold Lacrosse Stick Like A Pro : 10 Tips

How to hold lacrosse stick

Do the many ways lacrosse players hold their sticks often confuse you? If you enjoy the sport, you’ve undoubtedly been to one or two matches to see the various playing styles. The lacrosse stick’s durability and periodic position changes are one thing you’ll undoubtedly notice. How come? Your intended usage for the stick will determine how you handle it. Swinging, picking, passing, and shooting are the next steps. How should you always handle the stick? Here are the top 10 tips on how to hold lacrosse stick:

Choose the appropriate length and size for you.

A lacrosse stick should be the proper length and size for your hands and forearms, almost like a magic wand. The exact length of the club is obviously constrained by the rules, but it is typically presented as a range so you can select from a variety of length options. This implies that you can experiment with various sizes by selecting the one that most resembles a hand extension.

How do you feel about your job? Your participation in the game does, however, matter. For instance, defensive players favour shorter clubs, whereas attacking players favour longer clubs because they enable higher kick performance. In addition, the circle must be large enough for you to hold it securely in your hand without the chance of slipping.

how to hold lacrosse stick

Left- or right-handed?

Your dominant hand’s position determines how you hold the stick. You see, the traditional way to grip a lacrosse stick is with one hand on the end and the other on top. If you are left-handed, your right hand will grip the stick’s end and the left hand will be on top. Everything will be the opposite if you are right-handed. To put it simply, the non-dominant hand is used to grasp the bat’s tip.

Try now to wrap the midsection of the stick with the dominant hand while holding the tip with the non-dominant hand. Consider passing a ball to a person. How is the motion? You’ll observe that the strength and direction of your fictitious pass are mostly controlled by the dominant hand or overhand. The dominant hand handles the most of the labor, whereas the lower hand only holds the baton. Therefore, you require the advantage of dominance.

Open the end out

Although it appears easy, many novices find it challenging to accomplish this straightforward chore. This shouldn’t come as a big surprise because it takes a certain amount of awareness to make sure your open end is always looking out. Consider that you are prepared to grab the ball. The head is in the ideal position, and even though the ball appears to be travelling slowly in its direction, it simply bounces inside.

Than? How come? You’re holding the wrong bat, I guess. The ball actually reaches the pocket’s back thanks to the angle of the head. It was disappointing, yes? Always check to make sure your head is pointed in the proper direction while holding the stick. Although it might seem insignificant, it’s simple to forget which team is superior when the game is in full swing. As you get better, you’ll learn to use this innate reaction when the bat is facing the opposite way.

Divide this by four

Okay, I want you to carefully examine your stick now. You’ll see that the stick’s head and actual shaft are separated by the stick’s head. The coaches will give you some sound suggestions, such as to break the stick into four pieces. Imagine 4 lines, the first one at the top of the stick, and the second one a quarter of the way down, the third in the center, and the fourth one at the end. Hey, no issue if you need to sketch it on a toothpick!

How do these lines relate to using the stick on? Your hands will adjust their position in accordance with the action you’re trying to perform, so keep that in mind. Your “marker” for where your hand should be is each line.

One thing stands out, though: when we refer to a “hand,” we really mean the dominant hand. But occasionally, the no-dominant hand will shift positions as well.

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One for the box

Hold the lacrosse stick now. The first mark is where your dominant hand is, and the second mark is where the no-dominant hand is. In a select few situations, the non-dominant hand does not sit at the shaft’s tip.

Thus, the stick’s head will be roughly at eye level with yours. Professional players refer to a box in this manner. In actuality, it is a hypothetical line that travels from the point of the forehead outward for about 30 cm, then downward, touching the elbow of the dominant hand, before circling back to the forehead. The center of this hypothetical box contains the stick’s head.

What’s the point, though? In lacrosse, this is regarded as the fundamental capture position. Maintaining your bat in the box position while playing gives your teammate the ideal aiming space, increasing the likelihood that they will successfully catch the ball.

Do you know another use for this position? When you catch the ball, you might simply “give up” by holding the bat in this manner. You may simply create a slight recoil by lifting up the ball so it doesn’t bounce into the net because the head area has a lot of control.

For the cradle, two

Throughout the game, keep the ball in your pocket and don’t let it out unless you’re prepared to pass or bat. In truth, it’s a skill that gets better with practice, but you have to start with the right hand position.

Your dominant hand must be on the second mark if you want to get seasick. Make sure that this does not happen at the same time as dropping the non-dominant to the fourth mark. The no-dominant hand actually trades first if you observe how players interact. The dominant hand lowers to the second mark after the no-dominant hand moves to the fourth mark after capturing the ball. This grip fits the crib just right.

Three for one pass

Now that you know how to hold the ball during play, let’s move on to the fact that you can’t hold the ball endlessly. The next step is to pass it on to someone else, or maybe fire at the target? However, your hand will now be in a different position. In preparation for the pass, the dominant hand moves once more to the third notch of the stick. The no-dominant hand is on the fourth mark, which makes the action much smoother and quicker.

Why did the hand’s posture suddenly change? You really have more passing power if you move your dominant hand down. You will have better control over the ball’s precision and it is more likely to travel a greater distance.

lacrosse stick

Swing with a single hand.

In order to use a stick as a one-hand cradle, you must also learn the proper method to hold a stick. You must keep this in mind if you play defence for a team. Typically, you need to have your hand a few inches below your head to pack with one hand. Because it’s a matter of taste, the notches don’t always function in this situation. The concept is that as you slowly move your wrist and shoulder to relax down, the ball will glide over your head in the shape of a crescent. He won’t trip over because of that.

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Train on the go

Throwing a bat to the side and letting the other hand catch it without moving the head is an effective hand-eye coordination exercise. The idea is for you to automatically move the bat between your hands without even looking.

dangerous high- and low-jump drills

It’s time to practice with the ball once you feel at ease with the footprint. The standard workout will involve flipping. The lacrosse ball should be placed in the goal, started to be thrown down, and then picked back up. Repeat this exercise while remaining motionless. Understand it? Let’s add some high heels now to spice things up. You have to hurl the ball into the air this time, then catch it without setting foot anywhere. In addition to improving your accuracy, doing this will help you get more comfortable using the stick.

How to hold lacrosse stick: Final word

Despite how easy it seems to wield a lacrosse stick, it actually takes a lot of practice. All of these position options, though, operate naturally once you get used to using the joystick.

Enjoyed this article on How To Hold Lacrosse Stick, also read What is Lacrosse Sport- Definition, History & 4 Types

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