Here are 5 lacrosse drills to help you get better at the sport.

Zigzag drill You should practise your footwork as your first exercise. Since you already know how crucial footwork is, you should begin with this kind of training.

Falcon drill Want to mix up the manual labour workouts you do? With the exception of back and forth movement, the falcon exercise is fairly comparable to the zigzag exercise.

Separator drill Exercises in a cage are not what they seem. No, a cage will not be your home. You won't even be in it; you'll be online.

Star drill Since group training enhances team collaboration and communication, it is equally necessary to provide individual training.

Alley drilling Why are you so unique? It teaches you how to deflect an assault from an adversary.

Conclusion You must practise defence if you want to get better in lacrosse.

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